
Brake shoes

Type: Brake pads / brake blocks / brake shoes for locomotives and wagons Shape and size: According to international standard UIC 542 and customer requirements. Material: Brake shoes are made of alloyed gray iron with phosphorus P10 or P14 according to international standard UIC 832/2004 or composition S on the requirements of the applicant.

Brake shoes

Grinding balls and cylpebs

Type: Cast spheres and cylinders of modified white cast iron Shape, dimensions: Spheres with diameters 30 - 120 mm and Cylinders: ø25h30; ø30h40 mm; Hardness: Brinel & Rockwell Density: 7600 kg/m3 Structure: perlite-cement

Grinding balls and cylpebs


Steel billet production-ready for steel reinforcement


Hydraulic elements

Castings and components for hydraulic components and systems made ​​of hydraulically solidified cast iron EN - GLL - 300 / EN 1561 /

Hydraulic elements


The weights are made of cast iron which guarantees towing efforts of the machine, at any load caused by towed agricultural equipment or faulty machine. Surface treatment protects against severe weather conditions in the field. "Chugunoleene - Parvomay" AD designs, develops and manufactures cast steel and cast iron by customer’s request.


Brake discs

Type: Axial mounting divisible and indivisible ventilated brake discs for wagons with radial cooling fins/ribs. The discs are designed for speeds up to 200 km/h.

Brake discs

Other castings by customer’s request

"Chugunoleene - Parvomay" AD designs, develops and manufactures cast steel and cast iron by customer’s request.